Ah now I understand what those icons are next to my photos on my iPhone! Thank you. Just tried a few, they work a treat 😃

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I discovered totally by accident that my phone (OK, Zabby's old phone which she kindly passed on to her ancient mother) could identify things, or at least suggest possible matches. I simply kept my finger too long on the focus function and - ta da! - I got loads of clues as to what I was looking at. Being totally honest I don't entirely trust it (and the same goes for Merlin, which I love using to ID bird-song), but it's definitely a fantastically useful tool.

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Less of the ancient, mother!

Yes, you definitely have to take it with a pinch of salt/do your own research/check a few sources, but they are such useful tools!

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Thanks for the positive reinforcement of using devices in the natural world 💚

Time & place for everything …… everything in moderation!

I use Merlin & would recommend it.

Also use PictureThis for plant id.

But like the sound of iNaturalist as it covers more than plants ……. will give that a go, thanks Zabby.

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Absolutely! Ooh yes, people always mention PictureThis to me, thank you for that.

Let me know how you get on with iNaturalist. I think it can be a bit confusing at first, but when you get used to how it works it's really useful.

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