Yes, I so agree! It’s easy to get into the trap of ‘Oh it’s just a…’ and not notice these animals for what they do. In Oxford that’s now the case for red kites - nobody living around here pays them the slightest bit of attention (except me 😆) but when we have visitors from other parts of the UK they get really excited to see one overhead.

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Lovely letter, Zabby. Thank you! We see buzzards all the time now but I still find it quite thrilling. They are quite magnificent birds. I recognise their call now and think it's a privilege to be underneath their wingspan whilst they're circling above. Thank you for all these news facts!

Definitely guilty of the 'it's just a XXXX' and want to stop doing that and be attentive to all nature.

I didn't know about this plastic campaign either so I'll take a look.

Hope you had a great holiday x

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Mar 8·edited Mar 8Liked by Zabby

I completely agree we need to have more respect for our more-than-human neighbours. I find it helps me if I greet the beings I notice. Buzzards were the first I regularly said "hi" to. When I hear one I always say "hello Brother Buzzard". When the Rooks and Jackdaws take off en masse from their roost at the end of the road I always call out "hello boys and girls". I now speak a greeting out loud to just about anything I see in the natural worlds: it might seem a bit mad, and it probably is unnoticed by the other life, but it is increasing my care and respect for the other beings around me.

As for your Buzzard feather, I have an almost identical one on my mantlepiece that I am pretty sure is from Brother or Sister Buzzard!

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Love this! My mum's seen buzzards over her back garden in the last couple of years, never used to have them in the area. They're such a thrill. Will you do a write up about your golden eagle watching??

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Buzzards in California are vultures . A step below condors a rare bird. Your buzzard is a hawk. Big difference. Avoid confusion and use a Latin name of the bird you mean.

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Just seen one taking off from my veg patch...probably with a mouse! Wasn't it Andrew Painting of 'Regeneration' who started the 'just-a-buzzard' debate? I loved that book and recommend it to all readers of NNB.

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