OK Zab - you asked for it...

I'm very lucky in that I don't mind walking, running or swimming in the rain and, in fact, once I've warmed up I almost prefer it. And, when I say I'm lucky, I mean it particularly in light of my having chosen to live in Scotland, a well-watered country renowned for its lack of rain-free days, its stunning rainbows, and its gloriously soggy lochs and wind-lashed seascapes. To be honest I just enjoy weather, variety, the challenges of dealing with change... some challenges being more challenging than others.

As Zabby mentioned I am rediscovering an old love, via the pleasures of self-immersion, swimming in colder and colder bodies of water as the year progresses. In early September I found 18 degree water pretty bracing, three days ago I did my first ice dip, an experience like no other. I'm cautious, I'm aware of the potential dangers, I have invested in more and more colourful equipment - and I'm utterly hooked! I've read up on the advantages of such bizarre behaviour and I'm sold... who wouldn't want to reduce pain and inflammation, lessen the chances of getting winter colds, stave off depression and even dementia? As I said, I'm lucky - and I genuinely love the reaction of astonished friends who can't quite believe my strange obsession. My body seems to be grateful for the interaction with the elements and I've been able to find different perspectives on places I thought I knew well. There is truly nothing like having a seal surface feet away from you, and being in the water when it starts to rain is almost as entertaining - on one particularly changeable day it was hitting the surface of the loch so hard it looked as if each droplet was exploding up rather than falling down.

I know it's not for everyone, but for me it's an irresistible chance to recharge, to give stress a kick up the backside, to enter a space in which I cannot really think of anything other than my own survival. (It's also made me laugh more than I have for years - some of the post-swim dressing challenges have been far more dramatic than the swims themselves.) I love it!

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Swimming in the rain is the best! I continue to be impressed by your adventures...

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loved this! i LOVE cold weather walks but despise the rain (glasses wearing things) but i think you’ve inspired me to actually get out in it! Some weeks it will rain every single day so i need to stop avoiding it lol.

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Ahhh yes glasses do make the rain more annoying, this is true! Let me know if you actually manage to enjoy a rainy walk!

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Ahh I loved listening to this Zabby 🩷 (never listened before, didn’t know you did that).

Fellow dog walker/all weather maniac.

I love wet dog walks - I just hate the aftermath with spaniels!

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Okay, okay! I *will* go outside this weekend, Zabby. You have inspired and persuaded me. It is PEEING it down and has no plans to stop from what I can see. Even kitty Victor doesn't want to be outside and that is saying something.

Thank you for this beautiful piece which I was basically searching for this week. I struggle to find beauty in nature on rain-soaked days like this but I know if I pay attention it's definitely still there.

But now even if I don't feel like it I know there are scientific reasons I should be out there in the downpour too! Grateful for this.

P.s Hello darling Noushi *woof*

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