Daffs blooming are such a joy! I haven't seen any daffs yet but we do have crocusses and snowdrops bursting through the grass 😁

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Hills near by are burnt ashes and mud in LA. Dash of rain. Bulbs I missed plating in fall. Did prune a blueberry bush put a few twigs in water and they a sporting some white flowers. Hopefully some will root and then I will plant in pots so gophers won’t eat them. The ground is turned over and over by the little diggers and mounds pile up. Only can hope rains will be light to not erode hills. If so dormant wildflowers not seem for years will grace the land with a pallet of flower colors.

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Signs of Spring so far in Edinburgh: Snowdrops, Hazel Catkins, Blackbird and Song Thrush singing, Crocuses starting to show,

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