Loved reading this, Zabby, and that you got to connect with someone local to you over your love of birds. As for what I've noticed lately, I've been thrilled to see robins flitting in and out of the ivy in our garden over the last week and then peek in yesterday to see a nest with two little ones in it. They're getting big and fully feathered so I hope if I keep my eyes peeled I'll get to see them leave the nest soon too!

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Ohhhh Jen that's so lovely about the robins, lucky you!

Did you know you can make washing detergent from English ivy?!

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I did! I think I learned about it from you! 😅

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Haha! I haven't tried it yet but I plan to when I start running out of my stash of Smol!

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Great to see you here Zabby and I love the title of this post :) I’ve found, too, that noticing just one thing often leads to more and opens up this whole world that I’d previously not been aware of. This morning I noticed that a plant in my garden (which I planted as a tiny baby last year) is probably the same one I admired in a botanical garden last week 💚 (a pasqueflower).

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Thanks Astrid! Oooh, I just looked up pasqueflowers and they really are beautiful (and fascinating too) - Easter flowers!

I love it when something like that happens. I was thinking a couple of weeks ago that I miss having forget-me-nots in my garden, then came home and looked in the beds to see loads growing! It's our first spring here, so it's fun seeing what pops up!

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Discoveries in a new garden are great! Our garden was a stony wasteland when we got the house but wild (though inedible) strawberries appeared from the wall at the side of the driveway. 6 years on the driveway has made room for a garden and the strawberries make great (free!) ground cover. ☀️

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Oh what a lovely surprise! Why are they inedible, just flavourless? Are they Mock Strawberry or Indian Strawberry maybe?

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They’re mock--but I still like to think of them as wild 😂 So wild mock suburban strawberries that create glorious carpets of dark green leaves and flowers in spring/summer (and tiny berries that I hope at least some animals are interested in 😅)

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Hello, I'm Laura and I'm a nature enthusiast living near Sevenoaks in Kent. My favourite little bird is the wren, my favourite bigger bird is the kestrel and my favourite sea bird is the turnstone! I love learning all things nature, particularly about plants, fungi, butterflies and birds 😊🌿

I'm so pleased I found your newsletter, I'm loving it so far, thank you!

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Hey Laura!

Thanks for getting the ball rolling with the introductions!

I also love wrens (and obviously kestrels!). Turnstones are so fun to watch aren't they?

Lovely to have you here! 💚

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I have saved this beautiful post, Zabby. I know it's one I'll want to come back to. I'd love to write more about nature myself in future. Since moving to the sticks last year I've fallen in love and awe with noticing the nature around me. Particularly birds. I feel like such a novice and so ignorant at times. But I've got the rest of my life to learn and observe. I can resonate with the thrills you felt and feel at seeing your kestrels. I'm sitting at the open window now as I type this, accompanied by a chorus of birds including pheasants, black birds and robins (I think!). This morning I was privileged enough to witness a heron fly right out of my neighbours garden and across ours to the next door fields. I can't think of a better way to start the day really! Looking forward to reading more of your words. Janelle x

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Thank you so much Janelle! I see you are in the Ribble Valley, I have only stopped for a walk once on my way home from Scotland, but it seems like such a beautiful place. My partner is a big fan of the Forest of Bowland.

I can relate to feeling like a novice... but I think the beauty of nature is that we can keep learning new things forever and not even scratch the surface!

I love seeing herons, they are so regal aren't they? We always hum the Jurassic Park theme tune when one flies over, ha!

Maybe you can write something for the newsletter in the future about your move or something you've noticed lately? I will send a call out later this month I think.

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It is such a stunning place. It keeps taking my breath away. I feel like there are so many parts for us to explore. We live right by the Forest of Bowland area and it truly is magnificent. We moved from Manchester which isn't even that far. I keep saying 'why did we never come here!?' It's a proper hidden gem and I feel incredibly fortunate to have this place on our doorstep.

Yeah I'm happy to be a novice for now. And I think one reason I loved your story is that I could massively relate to and resonate with your writing without feeling like I don't have the expertise to understand it.

I was watching Wild Isles last night and learned a lot from that :)

Totally get you on the dino front! They do look like they're from another time in history.

I would love to! Thanks for the suggestion. I will look out for your call out.

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Oooh lucky you! Must be quite a change from your old place.

I'm so pleased you said you can relate to what I wrote, I really hope this can be an accessible and relatable place for us all!

Do get in touch if you have any ideas you'd like to write about in the meantime.

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Very! My view used to be the back of Screwfix and the Morrisons car park. On Monday morning I was watching deer from my window :') Honestly can't believe it.

That's such a great principle to have for your space here and I'm glad I've stumbled across it

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That is quite the change! We see deer here too occasionally (though not in our back garden!) and I have to pinch myself when we do. They are so majestic. It's always affirming to have a sighting like that!

Thanks Janelle, happy to have you here!

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So great to read how you have made such an intimate connection with your more-than-human neighbours, especially the Kestrels.

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Thank you David!

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Loved reading your bio and what you're trying to do. Similar to my thoughts. We care for what we know and have a name for, so the more we can recognise the more able we become at being good neighbours.

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Indeed. That's my hope and belief anyway!

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